Benefits to hiring a public adjuster

benefits to hiring a public adjuster

Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

National Adjusters, Inc. Public Insurance Adjusters 

The Value of Hiring a Pubic Adjuster

 Dealing with the requirements of filing a property insurance claim with your insurance carrier should only be handled by professional public adjusters. Insurance carriers and their claims representative may request detailed information that seems unreasonable but may be necessary. Understanding exactly what your policy covers and what your duties are can become confusing and could have time restraints based on the information an insurance carrier’s adjuster might give you. When you have a public adjuster representing you, you have an advocate. Remember that the insurance company's adjuster sole responsibly is to his/her boss, the insurance company. Our's is to you, our client.

At the Time of Your Insurance Loss

Homeowners, condominium complexes and businesses that experience a property claim can find themselves in a very stressful situation as a major property insurance loss can have a paralyzing effect on the normal operation of your business or personal life at home. At the time of your loss, even the most efficient business or family will be overwhelmed with the requirements and burdens placed on them with the claim. Most policyholder do not possess the knowledge or experience to prepare for a complex claim and in most cases they do not have the time. That's where our public insurance claims adjuster can help.

Some of the biggest benefits clients tell us they experience when hiring a public adjuster include:

  • Claims Expertise: Insurance policies can be complex documents and can easily be misinterpreted. Having someone on your side that is familiar with both the language of the insurance policy and how those policies are enforced can mean a great deal to how your claim gets settled. It also helps to have an expert guiding you regarding the proper procedures for repairs and documenting expenses in case a claims denial occurs. National Adjusters has access to a group of veteran experts and engineers that can be called on if they are needed to substantiate any part of your claim. 

  • Time Savings: Many homeowners and business people have more important priorities than to deal with the incessant demands for information and documents from the insurance company. A public adjuster will organize and manage your claim and help minimize the time you need to spend dealing with all the claim issues. 

  • Faster Resolution of Your Claim: Understanding how to organize your claim, process the paperwork that is needed, as well as the proper language to use when communicating with your insurance carrier can help avoid repeated requests for additional information, expedite the claims process and get your repairs underway faster. 

  • Protect Your Rights as a Policyholder: Having an expert public adjuster who understands the insurance company’s expectations, when documenting and valuing your claim gives you an advantage if your claim is denied. It also gives you a third party resource who can act as a witness in case more aggressive action is required to obtain a just recovery. 

  • Ensure Fair Value for Your Claim: A recent OPAGGA (Office of Program and Policy Analysis & Government Accountability) study in the State of Florida showed that public adjusters negotiate up to a 747% larger insurance company settlement for commercial business and homeowner insurance property loss claims than the insurance company was planning to pay out. This is especially true during a catastrophic situation when insurance carriers try to process large amounts of claims.

  • public adjuster





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